Ocasio Cortez Caught

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  1. Ocasio Cortez Speech Today
  2. Ocasio Cortez Twitter
  3. Blanca Ocasio Cortez

Ignorant freshman congresswoman Alexandria “Sandy” Ocasio-Cortez is learning her part well. She has been caught spreading a lie about Donald Trump Jr. but rather than admit her mistake, she has chosen to dig in her heels.

She wrote, “ICYMI: Rep. Khanna got Cohen to testify that Don Jr. is the ‘second executive involved in criminal conspiracy,’” Ocasio-Cortez on Friday, adding that this is a “big deal.”

ICYMI: Rep. Khanna got Cohen to testify that Don Jr. is the “second executive involved in criminal conspiracy.”

His line of questioning was a very big deal. (He also happens to be a progressive Rep that rejects corporate money!)

NYPD Officer Baimadajie Angwang (left) with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at a Tibetan New Year event in February 2019 Instagram The NYPD cop charged with spying for China raised alarms at a.

⬇️ https://t.co/ZdlBv2cTym

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 1, 2019

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Ocasio Cortez Speech Today

But, the problem is… that’s a lie of astounding proportions. Even The Washington Post agrees that it was neither “criminal” nor was Trump Jr. identified in the charging document.

The lie was told by convicted liar Michael Cohen, during his ‘testimony’ before lawmakers on Wednesday.

The falsehood involves the payment of hush money to Stormy Daniels after she blackmailed him.

He ended up paying her off, which is not an illegal act.

On Wednesday, the exchange between Cohen and Ro Khanna went like this:

Mr. Khanna: The criminal charge against you then states that executive one forwarded your invoice to someone referred to as executive two, presumably Donald Trump Jr., who’s signing this check as executive two, correct?

Ocasio Cortez Caught

Mr. Cohen: I believe so.

Mr. Khanna: Are you telling us, Mr. Cohen, that the president directed transactions in conspiracy with Allen Weisselberg and his son, Donald Trump Jr., as part of a civil — as part of a criminal conspiracy of financial fraud, is that your testimony today?

Mr. Cohen: Yes.

Of course, that was another lie, as the Wall Street Journalmade clear:

“In the afternoon session, Mr. Cohen identified the president’s son, apparently incorrectly, as an unnamed Trump Organization executive referenced in the charging documents filed against him by federal prosecutors in New York.

“The executives were referenced in connection with the plan to reimburse Mr. Cohen for the payment to Stormy Daniels. In the charging document, federal prosecutors said the first executive, Mr. Weisselberg, forwarded an invoice from Mr. Cohen to the second executive, and it was approved.

“The Journal has previously identified “Executive-1” as Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg. Mr. Cohen testified today that “Executive-2” in the charging document was Donald Trump Jr.”

However, even after being confronted with the facts, Ocasio-Cortez chose to stand by her spreading of a false story.

Ocasio Cortez Twitter

How is anything I said a lie? Rep. Khanna did in fact ask Cohen the question, and Cohen implicated the President and his son in criminal conspiracy.

Ocasio Cortez CaughtOcasio Cortez Caught

If you take issue with Cohen’s testimony, perhaps that’s a good reason for us to call in further witnesses.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 1, 2019

Breitbart News wrote:

To begin with, paying off a blackmailing porn star with your own money is not illegal, nor does it prove the two of them slept together. As Cohen mentioned in his testimony, Trump has been forced to pay off liars in the past.

Secondly, keeping a payoff a secret is not a crime.

Most importantly, the worst Trump is guilty of here (and he’s not) is a campaign finance violation. Democrats and Dirty Cops in the Justice Department want us to believe the payoff should have been listed on Trump’s campaign finance reports as a “campaign expense.” Even if that were true (and it’s not), the worse case scenario is the campaign being hit with a fine.

The reason this is not a campaign finance violation is simple: Trump has been paying off this kind of blackmail for decades. Cohen admitted that during his testimony, which means this is not a campaign finance violation because you only have to report something as a campaign expense if that expense is specific to the campaign.

In other words, if you would have incurred this expense if you were not running for office, there is no requirement to report the expense.

If Trump has been making these payoffs going back more than a decade, if there is a pattern of Trump incurring these expenses to protect his reputation, marriage, and private life, then there is no way this is a campaign expense.

Although she has only been in the U.S. House of Representatives a couple of months, Ocasio-Cortez has already been caught deceiving voters on numerous occasions.

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But, there seems to be no limit to the amount of lies and idiocy Sandy is willing to share.


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(Big League Politics) – New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez tried to get sassy on Twitter in light of the recent drama regarding election regularities taking place across the nation.

Due to this, President Donald Trump has not conceded the election and is waiting for the courts to settle any kind of irregularities at polling locations in key swing states. This obviously has Democrats and their media allies fuming over Trump’s steadfast devotion for the rule of law and election integrity.

One of the most outspoken critics of Trump’s decision to not concede has been AOC. She tweeted on November 10, 2020, “I hope people realize that the same Republicans who are refusing to acknowledge the results of our elections also champion disastrous foreign policy claiming they’re ‘bringing democracy’ to other nations.”

I hope people realize that the same Republicans who are refusing to acknowledge the results of our elections also champion disastrous foreign policy claiming they’re “bringing democracy” to other nations.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 11, 2020

AOC’s comment was met with immediate backlash after incoming Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene offered her two cents on the matter. The new congresswoman for Georgia’s 4th District tweeted “You voted for @JoeBiden who voted for the Iraq War, which cost America trillions of dollars and thousands of lives.”

You voted for @JoeBiden who voted for the Iraq War, which cost America trillions of dollars and thousands of lives. https://t.co/MSn8zptww2

— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) November 11, 2020

Greene was specifically calling out AOC for her hypocritical behavior of voting for a candidate that was one of the most seasoned proponents of foreign adventuring and a big booster of the defense industry. Certain officials from defense contractors such as Raytheon CEO Gregory Hayes have stated that a Biden presidency would not entertain any form of defense cuts whatsoever. Biden is the consummate political insider and AOC’s support for him belies her marketing as an outsider.

Greene can be counted on as a fierce defender of the America First agenda and will be a strong voice for conservative causes while in Congress. Nationalists need fighters in D.C. not door mats in order to beat back the establishment and fully drain the swamp. Greene fits the bill and hopefully she serves as an inspiration for other candidates to follow in her footsteps during future election cycles.

Blanca Ocasio Cortez
