Ocasion Spanish To English
Spanish English Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 7.7 (n.) = occasion; time; chance. Ex: As with author headings, sometimes one heading or title will be both sought and provide collocation, but on other occasions there will be a conflict between soughtness' and collocation. Many translated example sentences containing 'occasion' – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Contextual translation of 'ocasion especial' into English. Human translations with examples: feature, special, spezial, special, opportunity!!, bargain!!!! Translate Occasions. See 11 authoritative translations of Occasions in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. Spanish Translation of “occasion” The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases.
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occasion, opportunity, chance occasion
occasion occasion
(n.) = occasion ; time ; chance.
Ex: As with author headings, sometimes one heading or title will be both sought and provide collocation, but on other occasions there will be a conflict between soughtness' and collocation.
Ex: Because reorganisation allows the optimization of update and searching procedures, it moves the maintenance to a time when it does not affect the operation of the system.
Ex: In some authority files (titles, ISBN/ISSN, national bibliographic record numbers), no search of the file is made because there is little chance of finding the new entry in the file.
* aprovechándose de la ocasión = opportunistically.
* aprovechar la ocasión = use + the occasion ; jump at + the chance ; leap at + the chance ; jump at + the opportunity ; jump on + an opportunity ; leap at + the opportunity.
* carecer del sentido de la ocación = have + no sense of the occasion.
* celebrar la ocasión = mark + the occasion.
* celebrar una ocasión especial = mark + a special occasion.
* coche de ocasión = used car ; second-hand car.
* coger la ocasión por los pelos = make + hay while the sun shines ; take + time by the forelock.
* con ocasión de

* crear ocasiones = create + chances.
* crear una ocasión = create + opportunity.
* de ocasión = second-hand [secondhand].
* desperdiciar una ocasión = kill + chance.
* en alguna ocasión = on any one occasion.
* en aquella ocasión = on that (particular) occasion.
* en aquellas ocasiones cuando = on occasions when.
* en ciertas ocasiones = at certain times.
* en contadas ocasiones = rarely ; seldom ; on rare occasions.
* en determinadas ocasiones = sometimes ; on particular occasions.
* en dicha ocasión = on that (particular) occasion.
* en diferentes ocasiones = at different times ; at various times.
* en distintas ocasiones = at different times ; at various times ; on several occasions.
* en diversas ocasiones = on several occasions.
* en dos ocasiones = on two occasions.
* en esta ocasión = on this occasion.
* en más de una ocasión = on more than one occasion ; in more than one instance ; in more than one occasion.
* en muchas ocasiones = on many occasions ; many a time ; many times.
* en + Número + ocasión = on + Número + occasion.
* en ocasiones = on occasion(s).
* en ocasiones determinadas = on any one occasion.
Ocasion Spanish To English Google Translate
* en otra ocasión = in another context ; some other time.
* en otras ocasiones = at other times.
* en raras ocasiones = in rare cases.
* en toda ocasión = at every turn.
* en tres ocasiones = on three occasions.
* en una ocasión = on one occasion
Ocasion Spanish To English Translation
.* en vairadas ocasiones = on several occasions.
* en varias ocasiones = on several occasions

* hecho para una única ocasión = one shot.
* la ocasión la pintan calva = make + hay while the sun shines ; take + time by the forelock.
* no dejar pasar la ocasión = jump at + the chance ; leap at + the chance ; jump at + the opportunity ; jump on + an opportunity ; leap at + the opportunity.
* no tener sentido de la ocasión = have + no sense of the occasion.
* ocasión + dar lugar a = occasion + give rise to.
* para otra ocasión = for future reference.
* para una única ocasión = one-time.
* perder la ocasión = miss + the boat ; miss + the bus.
* presentarse una ocasión = occasion + arise.
* según surja la ocasión = as the occasion arises.
* sentido de la ocasión = sense of the occasion.
* ser una buena ocasión para + Infinitivo = be a good time to + Infinitivo.
* sólo en una ocasión = on a one-time basis.
* surgir una ocasión = occasion + arise.
* tener la ocasión de = have + opportunity to.
* una mejor ocasión =
Ocasion Spanish To English Dictionary
a better time.* vendedor de coches de ocasión
Spanish To English Translation
= second-hand car dealer ; used-car dealer.* vestirse para la ocasión = dress + the part.
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