Quotes Samen Sterk

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Quotes Samen Sterk
  • Carrotstore.com is an archive, introducing entertainment applications and add-on utilities for people around the world. When you use one of these systems, you have an account that identifies each person with the mobile device.
  • Three interesting advertisement illustrating the Power of Union is Strength.An individual maybe brilliant and have strong core competencies but unless you ar.
SterkQuotes Samen Sterk

Quotes Over Samen Sterk


Quotes Samen Sterk

STICHTING UMOJA is a Dutch-based non-profit organization of migrant women living in the Netherlands and other heavens. It ensures the continuity of the work of Marie Louise Balagizi, initiator of the SYNERGY OF WOMEN FOR PEACE AND RECONCILIATION OF THE PEOPLES OF THE GREAT LAKES OF AFRICA, anxious to contribute to a good integration and detraumatisation of African women living alone with their children in the Netherlands.

Samen Sterker Quotes

Speaking of the African continent, the war for several decades has forced thousands of men and women to flee their homeland and seek refuge in other continents. In the life of each migrant there is a personal history full of tragic events experienced that have caused internal wounds and hidden traumas that deteriorate the seemingly calm life of immigrants. Among them is a category that encounters many more difficulties than others. It is that of women living alone with their children. Without excluding the others, they have a lot of responsibilities and deserve special attention for an internal healing which will then promote a better integration in the host country.